It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when the trend started, but too often businesses become singularly focused when considering Social Media content. That focus is usually on driving sales. While that seems like a good plan in theory, the results often lead to the consumer eventually ignoring a company’s ads or turning their backs on opportunities to engage with the company.
The fatal flaw comes from not following the 80/20 rule of Social Media. Simply put, the rule encourages 80% of content be a mix of outside information and your own highlights (articles, tools, resources, humor) with NO sales objective. There is value in engaging a consumer and building that relationship. You want to create content that makes a person think, learn or laugh. You can then spend the remaining 20% of your time asking for the sale or lead.
Every business has a different goal for Social Media. Generate fans, create brand awareness, improve customer service or sell a product… whatever the objective, Ad Spark can help.
If you need further assistance, Ad Spark is available. We offer Social Media Management, Content Creation and Ad Placement.